Join us for a Lenten Series
Practicing our Way Forward: Spiritual Practices for a Wilderness Time
Online from 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm Wednesdays March 19, April 2, April 16
contact the office to join or see the link in the enews
See What's Happening for our Easter Sunday schedule

ALL are welcome.

Our congregation is actively engaged in making the world a better place! We do this by caring for one another and by giving our individual and collective time, talent and treasure to local and national organizations that are also doing good work inside and outside our walls.

We have three opportunities to worship in person services each week: at 8:00 am and 10:30 am. They are both very different and we hope you can find an expression that is right for you.
We also have a Communal Reflection at 9:00 am where we Gather to explore the readings of the day in community.
Ready to give financially to support CUCC's mission? Learn more here!


Community UCC has been working to be Accessible to All(A2A). We have a hearing loop for those wearing hearing aids. For more information on our accessibility to people with disabilities, please see our What to Expect page.
"My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples" Isaiah 56:7