Whether you need silence or connecting with others or singing hymns in an intergenerational church, we have a worship experience that we hope will be meaningful for you! We are a community of seekers, living into our commitment to be an Open and Affirming, Just Peace church and our worship, like us, is ever evolving. We have a sanctuary in the round and comfortable chairs in a beautiful setting. Join us for our early 8 a.m. contemplative service or join us for our interactive 9 a.m. service or bring your kids and grandkids to our 10:30 service with traditional hymns to everything from jazz to pop to classical and more. During this service, there are activities for kids of all ages and abilities. Come as you are to worship and join us for our time of fellowship each Sunday at 9:45 a.m.

We invite you to join us for our contemplative worship service where silence is a guest and a guide. Whether you are experienced at meditation or just getting started, we welcome you to our circle on Zoom or in person. The gathering includes a reading, communal prayer, chants and community prayer, all infused by silence. Come as you are!

9:00 am
Communal Reflection
A weekly gathering to explore the readings of the day in community.
Join us for this time to connect and share reflections on the day’s readings and to consider the meaning of the texts for our lives today.

Whether you are a longtime member or a newcomer, we invite you to join us for a time of fellowship between worship services. All are welcome!

We invite you to join us for our worship service with a traditional template of hymns, liturgy, scripture and readings, a choir and more, along with a progressive Christian message and communal prayer. Childcare is offered during this service for children of all abilities and expressions. We gather in person or you can watch it below! All are welcome! Come as you are!
Our Sermons
We take seriously what we do in worship, as a church that is both rooted in a 2000-year-old tradition and also present in this time and actively engaged in learning, growing, evolving and making the world better. It can be hard sometimes to hold all of this, since CUCC is an extremely, beautifully diverse, mix of humans and still it is our intention. This means that we won’t likely all see or understand the world in the same way, and we receive that as a gift. Therefore, what we say together in liturgy and hear in our readings, whether ancient or new and what we hear from the pulpit isn’t necessarily what we all believe and it doesn’t have to be. What we explore together is all in service of our growth and depth, aiming to invite us further into our faith and our shared spiritual journeys. And in the United Church of Christ the Pastors speak to and with the church, not for the church and this is meant to hold space for the place that each of us finds ourselves.
We invite you to give as you are able.